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  1. #181
    Veteran Avatar von Alea
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    I liked the minecrawlers a lot, when i first played G1 they scared the sh*t out of me, not talking of the minecrawler's nest in the old mine, a piece of art.
    I know that PB can't really use Gothic's stuff, but i hope that there will be some kind of monsters very similar to the minecrawlers in Risen; at least in Risen 2 (": the return of the sleeper!")

    There where Adanos stood was a place where Innos and Beliar had no power.
    Alea ist offline

  2. #182
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    Sep 2006
    Hi everyone, I want to ask a few questions about the story in Risen. They've probably been answered.

    Can anyone tell me:
    • What was the hero doing on the ship and where was he headed, before he got stranded?
    • What is the Inquisition doing on the isle, what are they looking for?

    paulcmnt ist offline Geändert von paulcmnt (08.04.2009 um 17:02 Uhr)

  3. #183
    Piranha Bytes Avatar von PB_Harry
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    Hi everyone, I want to ask a few questions about the story in Risen. They've probably been answered.

    Can anyone tell me:
    • What the hero was doing on the ship and where was he headed, before he got stranded?
    • What is the Inquisition doing on the isle, what are they looking for?

    As related to the second question, the Inquisition is investigating the temples which rise up all over the isle. That's what I know. And they declare, that nobody is allowed to walk outside the city, by order of the inquisitor

    And I may be wrong, but I guess nothing is mentioned what the "hero" is doing on the ship. Maybe we'll get these information from sara (who was also on the ship)
    ...da ist die Kuh erstmal vom Eis! - and that's the sound you hear when you really like a girl and find out she has a kid (by Strogenforcer)

    Want to know how to break up with your girlfriend? Learn from Mastermind Jon Lajoie. Also if you want to compete with me, find me on the Battlefield . Bro, do u even praise the sun?

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    PB_Harry ist offline

  4. #184
    Apprentice Avatar von Moondre
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    When we should expect a new official information about the game? Or videos from RPC in hires?
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  5. #185
    Piranha Bytes Avatar von PB_Harry
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    When we should expect a new official information about the game? Or videos from RPC in hires?
    Pixel said, that new videos and pictures (he has over 300MB of footage) will be released during the next weeks (including the hi-res video of the PC Games). Hope they hurry up *g*
    ...da ist die Kuh erstmal vom Eis! - and that's the sound you hear when you really like a girl and find out she has a kid (by Strogenforcer)

    Want to know how to break up with your girlfriend? Learn from Mastermind Jon Lajoie. Also if you want to compete with me, find me on the Battlefield . Bro, do u even praise the sun?

    Visit our facebook page and get 1.000.000 liters of beer for free!!!111elf (Sorry folks just kidding)
    PB_Harry ist offline

  6. #186
    Dragonslayer Avatar von Danutz_plusplus
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    Pixel said, that new videos and pictures (he has over 300MB of footage) will be released during the next weeks (including the hi-res video of the PC Games). Hope they hurry up *g*
    Here's hoping they won't be cam-footage. Looking forward to the videos. Risen's gonna be awesome.
    Danutz_plusplus ist offline

  7. #187
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    Behind you
    I agree, Risen seems better and better after each day
    Kirov Class ist offline

  8. #188
    Ranger Avatar von Fa80di
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    Sep 2006
    Hi Quy,

    regarding to Xbox360 version. Are there loading bars like oblivion where ever u entered a house or town or cave? or it is like the previous Gothic games no loading bars?
    How it's gonna be compared to PC version are they identical or there will be huge differences in graphics also loadings.

    I will play it on my 360 so I hope it's gonna rock.
    Fa80di ist offline

  9. #189
    Knight Commander Avatar von Demonium
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    I will also have to say that every time i watch a new video or screenshot, it looks better and better...

    Lets hope that the dream will come true...

    Are there going to be some big nasty creatures (at the size of a troll or a dragon perhaps)?
    Demonium ist offline

  10. #190
    Apprentice Avatar von Moondre
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    Can we use for working with inventory only keys, or it is impossible?
    Moondre ist offline

  11. #191
    Knight Avatar von catalinux
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    Jan 2008
    Can we disable the mouse use from the Risen.ini file? (for fighting, Inventory, dialog lines, everything)

    Can we have a fully keyboard alternative to all mouse actions?
    catalinux ist offline Geändert von catalinux (10.04.2009 um 11:46 Uhr)

  12. #192
    Adventurer Avatar von Feyenord
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    Hey, I've just been thinking about Gothic and Risen and thought of two questions.

    1. Books. Will Risen have lots of interesting books to read, like in G1/G2, or will books only give boost to some skill like in G3? Or no books at all? I really liked the books in old Gothics, they added a lot to the game's lore and immersion. I remember spending a lot of time in Old camp castle and monastery just reading books .

    2. Dialogues. Will we see again the endlessly long dialogues from G1/G2 or will they be short like in G3? Even if dialogues in old Gothics were almost unreasonably long I still liked them a lot. Unlike G3, where you make all the long journey to Xardas's tower and then he says three words to you and sends you away. It felt like something was missing.
    Feyenord ist offline

  13. #193

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
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    1. Books. Will Risen have lots of interesting books to read, like in G1/G2, or will books only give boost to some skill like in G3? Or no books at all?
    Books will be there. OnkelDead (I never remember those cApItAl letters in his name correctly) wrote in his report that the hero can use books. He even wrote that when you activate a book which you already read, he hero says: "Other than that, there's only shit written in here."

    Feeling a bit masochistic and want to read more of my diatribes? Check out Foobar's Rantpage.

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  14. #194
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    I enjoyed the last four free days. I could recharge my batteries.

    Thanks to foobar and to OnkelDead for answering some questions. I am also happy that OnkelDead has shared his impressions of the RPC demo with you.

    Zitat Zitat von Maladiq Beitrag anzeigen
    So a demo is more or less ready. When will be able to play it?
    Zitat Zitat von Zocky Beitrag anzeigen
    yeah, any idea when will demo be released?
    The 'real' demo is still far from being ready. The demo on the RPC was custom made and won't be the final demo.
    Anyway, the demo will be available before the release of Risen and shall represent the final or at least almost final state. So no one has to buy a pig in a poke (in Germany we would say: no one has to buy a cat in a sack).

    Zitat Zitat von diego_pmc Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi everyone, I want to ask a few questions about the story in Risen. They've probably been answered.

    Can anyone tell me:
    • What was the hero doing on the ship and where was he headed, before he got stranded?
    • What is the Inquisition doing on the isle, what are they looking for?

    1) The hero was a stowaway. I am not quite sure if you will get some informations about his motivation on the ship. I bet every player will make their own interpretation. But don't nail me down to this.
    2) In addition what UncleDead wrote: This is something your player-character has to find out in Risen.

    Zitat Zitat von OnKeLDead Beitrag anzeigen
    And they declare, that nobody is allowed to walk outside the city, by order of the inquisitor

    Zitat Zitat von Fa80di Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi Quy,

    regarding to Xbox360 version. Are there loading bars like oblivion where ever u entered a house or town or cave? or it is like the previous Gothic games no loading bars?
    How it's gonna be compared to PC version are they identical or there will be huge differences in graphics also loadings.

    I will play it on my 360 so I hope it's gonna rock.
    Risen you won't see any loading bars (except the ones after you start or load the game). I don't think that the Xbox360 version will be different in this regard.
    After I've completed Risen twice on the PC, I am looking forward to play the game on my private Xbox 360 as well.

    Zitat Zitat von Demonium Beitrag anzeigen
    I will also have to say that every time i watch a new video or screenshot, it looks better and better...

    Lets hope that the dream will come true...

    Are there going to be some big nasty creatures (at the size of a troll or a dragon perhaps)?
    I am glad to hear that.
    The answer to you questions: I won't reveal everything. There has to be some secrets/surprises left in the game.

    Zitat Zitat von Moondre Beitrag anzeigen
    Can we use for working with inventory only keys, or it is impossible?
    Zitat Zitat von catalinux Beitrag anzeigen
    Can we disable the mouse use from the Risen.ini file? (for fighting, Inventory, dialog lines, everything)

    Can we have a fully keyboard alternative to all mouse actions?
    In our current version it is possible to interact with the world and to fight without the mouse (but it is designed for a keyboard + mouse control). In many cases you can use your keyboard instead of your mouse but not in all.

    Zitat Zitat von Feyenord Beitrag anzeigen
    Hey, I've just been thinking about Gothic and Risen and thought of two questions.

    2. Dialogues. Will we see again the endlessly long dialogues from G1/G2 or will they be short like in G3? Even if dialogues in old Gothics were almost unreasonably long I still liked them a lot. Unlike G3, where you make all the long journey to Xardas's tower and then he says three words to you and sends you away. It felt like something was missing.
    2. Oh yes we also have longer dialogues. In my opinion we have a good mix of short and long ones.

    I wish you all a fresh start to your week.

    Kind regards,

    Quy ist offline Geändert von Quy (14.04.2009 um 11:12 Uhr)

  15. #195
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    In our current version it is possible to interact with the world and to fight without the mouse (but it is designed for a keyboard + mouse control). In many cases you can use your keyboard instead of your mouse but not in all.
    First of all, great news Quy

    Scond: Will we be able to hide the mouse cursor during the game? I hope so...
    Maladiq ist offline

  16. #196
    Knight Commander
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    Jun 2007
    We had a pretty big discussion about dialogs and I would like to ask PB to implement the following options for dialogs.

    • You choose dialog option by pressing 1,2,3....button on keyboard that is related to first dialog option, second dialog option....all dialog options would have number written in front of them.
    • You choose dialog option by pressing the arrow keys/WASD and press Enter to confirm the selection.
    • You choose dialog option with the mouse wheel and click to confirm.

    I think it would be great to have all these option in the game,please forward this request to the game designers.
    Thank you
    Kostaz ist offline

  17. #197
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    First of all, great news Quy

    Scond: Will we be able to hide the mouse cursor during the game? I hope so...
    Don't get me wrong, in the current version it is possible to fight without the mouse, but I wouldn't. You can control your camera much faster with the mouse. But maybe I am just use to the keyboard + mouse - control that much and you all are better players than me.

    The mouse cursor will only be visible in the character screen, inventory, quest log and so on and not during the game in itself.

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  18. #198
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Don't get me wrong, in the current version it is possible to fight without the mouse, but I wouldn't. You can control your camera much faster with the mouse. But maybe I am just use to the keyboard + mouse - control that much and you all are better players than me.

    The mouse cursor will only be visible in the character screen, inventory, quest log and so on and not during the game in itself.

    Of course it would be useless to fight or cast without the mouse, so disabling it won;t go. I meant if it is possible to hide only the cursor when the character screen/inventory come up. Or the dialogue screens. For me and a bunch of other guys seeing an arrow on the screen is disruptive.
    Maladiq ist offline

  19. #199
    Knight Avatar von catalinux
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    Jan 2008
    So no hope for us, old Gothic fans. We'll have to live with the mouse.

    Inventory, character screen, quest log are game itself.

    I have no more questions. I'm waiting for the demo.
    catalinux ist offline

  20. #200
    Ranger Avatar von Fa80di
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    Zitat Zitat von Quy Beitrag anzeigen
    Risen you won't see any loading bars (except the ones after you start or load the game). I don't think that the Xbox360 version will be different in this regard.
    After I've completed Risen twice on the PC, I am looking forward to play the game on my private Xbox 360 as well.

    Thanks Quy for the answers seems that xbox360 version will be as good as the PC version

    1-what about the graphic, is it on the same bar on both versions?
    2-The release date for both versions is the same?
    Fa80di ist offline

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