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  1. #41
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    I bet you Conan the barbarian could swing a two handed weapon with one hand .
    And so could chuck norris, but let's not spam
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  2. #42
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    Dykunas as far as I remember there was a certain sword/armor you had to wield in G1 at the end of the game to defeat Sleeper. My guess is that this 2h in 1h wielding will have the exact same impact, although that special place will be possibly passed using other weaponry as well (magic, bows, axes, etc.).

    && I love 2h wielding and being to able to progress to 1h from 2h is actually a fascinating idea. Of course, it has to be tweaked to make it look and work nicer. I know it is not very logical to wield a 2m sword in one hand, but I bet there is a reason and I wouldnt wonder if it is magical in the end .
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  3. #43

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    It doesn't really sound logical to me. What's the point of having one handed swords in the game, if in the end, you will only use the two handed ones.
    Because you can use the 1H weapons until you have enough skill to use the 2H weapons? Why are there rusty old swords when there's also a dragonblade in the game?

    I think the logic behind this is that in the game, the 2H swords are not an individually skillable combat specialisation. They're more the continuation of the 1H swords. 2H swords deal greater damage but are also heavier and require greater strength (and probably skill).

    And the thought of a character being able to wield a two handed sword with a shield, without any penalties (making pure two handed fighting obsolete), seems absurd to me.
    It's just a growing development throughout the game. First, you can wield only light 1H and 2H weapons but only the weaker 1H allow shields. And maybe the 2H weapons are slower, too. But at the very end, when you reached skill level 9/10, the two strains fuse together and you can have big swords with large damage and a shield for protection at the same time. Best of both worlds for the sword master, so to speak.

    I don't see why that's a problem for you. It's just the hero becoming stronger and able to equip more powerful items. They have that in RPGs, you know?

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  4. #44
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    Thank you foobar, I thought it was obvious. I hope everything is clear now.
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  5. #45
    Ranger Avatar von Dykunas
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    Because you can use the 1H weapons until you have enough skill to use the 2H weapons? Why are there rusty old swords when there's also a dragonblade in the game?

    I think the logic behind this is that in the game, the 2H swords are not an individually skillable combat specialisation. They're more the continuation of the 1H swords. 2H swords deal greater damage but are also heavier and require greater strength (and probably skill).
    Why should a 2h sword be a continuation of a 1h sword. This way it loses all its purpose and beauty of being a 2h sword only with all its pros and cons.

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    It's just a growing development throughout the game. First, you can wield only light 1H and 2H weapons but only the weaker 1H allow shields. And maybe the 2H weapons are slower, too. But at the very end, when you reached skill level 9/10, the two strains fuse together and you can have big swords with large damage and a shield for protection at the same time. Best of both worlds for the sword master, so to speak.

    I don't see why that's a problem for you. It's just the hero becoming stronger and able to equip more powerful items. They have that in RPGs, you know?
    The problem, as i said previously, is that it hampers the role playing aspect of sword fighting styles, making the 2h+shield the only reasonable option towards the end.

    Now i'm aware that there are other 2h only weapons in the game, but damnit, i want my character to be a huge 2h sword wielding monster, instead of a shameful anime gimmick .
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  6. #46
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    I kind agree with foobar on this one. It sounds to me similar as if one would complain why are there speels like fire arrow in g2 and fireball, when you have at the end Wave of death or breath of death, what is then the point of those 'lesser' spells, when at the end you will use these? But it's a looooong way till you get to those spells, and the whole thing kinda make sense? Is it logical to use the same spell throught the whole game? Not really. You have to progress, so you start will small spells with little damage, and end with big spells with huge damage.

    And same thing really is here. You start with barely knowing anything about one sword fighting (iiuc), and you end with ultimate warrior who can wield two handed sword in one hand.

    With spells it's similar. Some people start with fire magic (or one handed weapon), some with ice/water magic(two handed weapon), but the end you use the ultimate spells you can find in g1 which were usually pretty much the same.

    So what you ask here is :"why would i use fire arrow spell when i can use breath of death? Do you see what i mean?

    And it's not as you say, that 2h is continuation of of 1h. It's about MERGING BOTH of those style into third, new style, if you will. And this new style takes benefits of both style, that's why it's the ultimate style.
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  7. #47
    Ranger Avatar von Dykunas
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    So what you ask here is :"why would i use fire arrow spell when i can use breath of death? Do you see what i mean?
    I won't use the fire arrow, i'll use the fire storm, ring of cold or breath of death according to the situation. These are three viable options for different kind of situations, with their strenghs and weakneses. For example, let's say you concentrate on fire spells, then you are better equiped to deal with the undead. This gives you an option to choose between a few schools, which from a role playing perspective is great.

    Now if fire and cold magic with all of their great spells would be left useless in the end game, leaving the only good solution death magic. That wouldn't be very fun since it makes the magic progression very linear.

    I think the same goes for meele and besides, 2h sword wielding with one hand sounds pretty tasteful anyway .
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  8. #48
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Dudes! You miss the whole point! The point is that a two handed weapon must be wielded with TWO hands, not with one hand and a shield. Either you do a lot of damage, but you have less protection, or you do less damage, but you are fater and better protected. That is why what is wrong with the system.
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  9. #49
    Dragonslayer Avatar von Powaz
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    I'm with Dykunas. Not only the idea is utterly stupid and illogical, but it also completely destroys an important thing which is called choise. Unless the 1h sword fighting style will also get some bonuses.
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  10. #50
    Knight Avatar von TeLovesc
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    i hoped so much for a better fighting system but this ruins it ... you mean you can wield a shield with a 2 handed sword??Never seen in a RPG smth like that. Are you sure Risen is not developed by Trine games?
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  11. #51

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    you mean you can wield a shield with a 2 handed sword?? Never seen in a RPG smth like that.
    Then you might want to take a look at Neverwinter Nights 2 (resp. DnD 3.5), for example. There is a feat called Monkey Grip. It comes with a small penalty however.

    I'll wait and see how it will feel within the game. In Gothic 1, the two-handed weapons were also the logical continuation of the one-handed ones. You started with 1H and then somewhere in the game you switched to 2H. Worked for me.

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  12. #52
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    I'll wait an see how it will feel within the game. In Gothic 1, the two-handed weapons were also the logical continuation of the one-handed ones. You started with 1H and then somewhere in the game you switched to 2H. Worked for me.
    Yes, true, but it is stupid to weild large weapons with one hand. That is the problem, not the fact that you train both at the same time.
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  13. #53
    Adventurer Avatar von Feyenord
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    Well, the idea is that by the end of the game you get so strong that you can wield 2h weapons with just one hand. It obviously isn't very realistic, but I think it could be pretty cool to swing a huge sword around with one hand, swatting your enemy's like flies, after all games are supposed to be fun too. And learning this skill will be a choice, so I don't see what all the fuss is about, don't learn it and use 2h weapons the normal way.

    About those little pesky goblins, or whatever they are, I can already see they are going to be my sworn enemy's in the game, I don't want anyone stealing my loot .
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  14. #54
    Dragonslayer Avatar von Powaz
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    I'll wait an see how it will feel within the game. In Gothic 1, the two-handed weapons were also the logical continuation of the one-handed ones. You started with 1H and then somewhere in the game you switched to 2H. Worked for me.
    Yes it worked, still I was very disappointed that I couldn't choose the weapon type I wanted in the end I was only limited to 2handed weapons and it was a bit tiring really.

    But what about dual wielding? Maybe at sword level 9 we'll get dual wield possibility for 1handed weapons. Could work.
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  15. #55

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    Yes, true, but it is stupid to weild large weapons with one hand. That is the problem, not the fact that you train both at the same time.
    It's not that very realistic but: fun > balance > realism. It may be fun so who cares? Magic is also not realistic.

    And BTW: There are two-handed weapons in the real world which are meant to also be useable one-handed. The Katana, for example. Just imagine there are no real bidenhänder but only bastard swords.

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  16. #56
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    And BTW: There are two-handed weapons in the real world which are meant to also be useable one-handed. The Katana, for example. Just imagine there are no real bidenhänder but only bastard swords.
    Yes, but not a 1.5 meter solid iron sword that weights half of your body mass
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  17. #57

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    But what about dual wielding? Maybe at sword level 9 we'll get dual wield possibility for 1handed weapons. Could work.
    While it may disappoint you as much as me, I'm afraid we won't see any dual wield in RISEN.

    Quy wrote that in the german thread:
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    Tut mir Leid, der Kampf mit gleichzeitig zwei Einhändern gibt es in Risen nicht.

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  18. #58
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    We will still have 2 separate melee combat systems (apart from fist fight). Staffs and swords.
    Instead of 1H and 2H we have swords, part 1H and 2H, but only 1H in the end, and we have staffs which seems to be pure 2H weapons with a hopefully very different fighting style.
    I'd be more worried about combat AI, combat animations and combat mechanics, and how they work (will it be click click , or something less repetitive?).
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  19. #59

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    Oh, I almost forgot:

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    Yes, but not a 1.5 meter solid iron sword that weights half of your body mass
    Bidenhänder used for real combat usually weighed no more than 2-3 kilograms and were perfectly balanced. Only ceremonial weapons were heavier.

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  20. #60
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Oh, I almost forgot:

    Bidenhänder used for real combat usually weighed no more than 2 kilograms and were perfectly balanced. Only ceremonial weapons were heavier.
    Yes, but the ones in risen are ridiculously large

    EDIT: as were the ones in gothic
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