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  1. #321
    Knight Commander
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    Jun 2007
    Since apparently we are rather not-so-far from the release date,is there any official announcement about the DRM?
    Kostaz ist offline

  2. #322
    Adventurer Avatar von The Hound
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    Dec 2008
    So will there be parrying (G2) or blocking(G1,3) ? And another thing will there be the journal from G1,2 ? I liked it much better than that of G3 ...actually that 'thing' didn't helped at all in G3...oh and about the release date I heard tht the game will be released at the end of the year(November,December) until then they will test it for bugs...from what I've heard the game is already finished and just testing is left to do...
    The Hound ist offline

  3. #323
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    Jun 2007
    Good day my friends.

    Zitat Zitat von RobinHood 13. Beitrag anzeigen
    In G2 NOTR attributes cost more and more lp as your lvl increases. The problem with this is potions, runes etc that give permanent bonuses are best to save until late in the game. Basically what happens is there's a sudden jump in difficulty when you can finally use those.
    If you have a similar system in Risen, please make sure any such items that give permanent bonuses gives same amount of that attribute (in lp). Will you make sure that this problem in NotR isn't in Risen?

    In G1, and G2 new enemies appeared, new quests, characters etc as the chapters progressed.
    In G3 you traveled through the different town's, but when you had done everything there, nothing new appeared there, and the world weren't changing.
    Jharkendar were more like G3, which dissapointed me a little, expansion is very good, but Jharkendar, isn't changing.
    So here's my question: Will the gameworld change as you progress. New characters, enemies, quests, events etc. ? Also what how dominant will this be?
    The Witcher is really good on the event part, but unfortunately the freedom is greatly limited because of the story, but still one of the best rpgs I've played.

    Is magic done bare-handed or can you use a staff?

    Can you use magic in meele combat to boost your melee?
    Example: A magician using a staff to fight by melee combat, but also by magic, where every stroke act like a force push thingy, dealing much greater dmg than the plain staff would've done alone, and maybe even knocking em back.

    Saw a vidoe where some staff fighting were involved (someone training), and animations looked quite cool, definitely not G3 animations, so that's good
    1) In Risen a skill point will always cost the same amount of learning points (regardless to the level).
    2) I don't want to spoiler so I can't tell you how dominant the changes will be and when they appear, but yes there are changes in the world (enemies, quests, ....)
    3) You cast a spell with your own hands.

    Zitat Zitat von The Hound Beitrag anzeigen
    In the fighting system do we get to parry like in gothic 2 or do we have to block attacks like in G1 and G3? I mean it would be great if we get back the gothic 2 defense system(parry and step back) because it is much more realistic than the one from G3. Blocking with a weapon isn't either smart or effective and should only be used with shields.
    In Risen you can block with your shield and your weapon. You can hold down the block-button to block permanently. But stepping back or to the side is always a very needful and essential action if you want to defeat your enemy.

    Zitat Zitat von peer-LAN Beitrag anzeigen
    Well, I'll try some questions:

    Will there be a sort button for the inventory, so that it will group items and take less space?

    Will trading with an NPC a lot, make him rich? He will change appearance, how he furnishes his house (new or improved objects appear in his house) or the way he talks with you (he is grateful, or maybe just arrogant)

    Will there be cheap wooden arrows, and if they will exist, will they bounce off strong iron armor.

    Will weapons get blunt and you’ll need to sharpen them on grind stone from time to time?
    1) No there is no kind of sort button, but same items stack automaticly and use only one slot. The inventory is additional splitted in five different groups.
    2) This feature is surely a 'nice to have', but not implemented in Risen.
    3) We have one kind of arrows (and one kind of bolts).
    4) No the weapons don't get blunt.

    Zitat Zitat von vivaxardas Beitrag anzeigen
    Risen will be out on Sept. 30 or a bit later. But when can we expect a demo? August, September? Thanks.
    Zitat Zitat von TeLovesc Beitrag anzeigen
    Hello PB ! It`s been 2 years since DeepSilver announced the game ,but we still don`t know the final release date . ( not some fake release dates from some unknown websites)
    Yes there is no official final release date known in public right now. But this informationen won't take ages any more. You can expect the demo some days before the game will be released.

    Zitat Zitat von The Hound Beitrag anzeigen
    And another thing will there be the journal from G1,2 ? I liked it much better than that of G3 ...actually that 'thing' didn't helped at all in G3...oh and about the release date I heard tht the game will be released at the end of the year(November,December) until then they will test it for bugs...from what I've heard the game is already finished and just testing is left to do...
    The journal / quest log will be roughly speaking a mix of G2 and G3.

    Greetings from Essen,

    Quy ist offline

  4. #324
    Knight Commander
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    Zitat Zitat von Slim Shady Beitrag anzeigen
    Since apparently we are rather not-so-far from the release date,is there any official announcement about the DRM?
    hmmm what about my question?

    Zitat Zitat von Quy Beitrag anzeigen
    You can expect the demo some days before the game will be released.
    Kostaz ist offline

  5. #325
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    hmmm what about my question?
    I am sorry, I have no final informationen. It is the decision of Deep Silver. Please ask them.
    Quy ist offline

  6. #326
    Ranger Avatar von Ammoc
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    Aug 2008

    I am also very interested in combat, and defending.
    So my questions are:
    1. Is combat gonna be more like g1/2ish (keyboard combos) or g3ish, click and hit?
    2. Parrying, defending. Do u take dmg on parry? or does it matter if u wear a shield or a sword.

    That's all. thanks
    This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

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  7. #327
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    Apr 2008
    Will monsters run at different speeds?
    Some run faster than you, some slower etc.
    Does wolves run faster?
    (I really hope so)

    Much good on the newest spoiler part, but 1 thing i disagree with (very much):
    2-handed weapons being able to wear with 1-hand at two-handed skill lvl 9/10.
    Is this real? If so please remove it, exchange it for some other bonus to the two handed wielding instead. Better dmg, fighting (in ability to outhit your opponent, or several oponents at same time), maybe knockdown, or some larger than usual weapons only possible to wear properly then.
    RobinHood 13. ist offline

  8. #328
    Knight Avatar von vivaxardas
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    Tir Nan Og
    Zitat Zitat von RobinHood 13.;9729174[COLOR=Lime
    Is this real? If so please remove it, exchange it for some other bonus to the two handed wielding instead. Better dmg, fighting (in ability to outhit your opponent, or several oponents at same time), maybe knockdown, or some larger than usual weapons only possible to wear properly then.
    I support this. It is true that some two-handed swords possible to use as one-hand swords (katanas are a good example), but to make it possible across the board is really bad. Historically, to weild some large two-handers, which can also be as long as human body, in one hand is simply not physically possible.

    Лидия: Любимый, я беременна!
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  9. #329
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Zitat Zitat von vivaxardas Beitrag anzeigen
    I support this. It is true that some two-handed swords possible to use as one-hand swords (katanas are a good example), but to make it possible across the board is really bad. Historically, to weild some large two-handers, which can also be as long as human body, in one hand is simply not physically possible.
    Exactly: the video from the GC with the huge armor and the huge sword weild with one hande was idiotic. Very dumb idea.
    Maladiq ist offline

  10. #330
    Waldläufer Avatar von iab
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    Jun 2008
    you won't believe it
    Zitat Zitat von foobar Beitrag anzeigen
    • We have crystal magic which seems to be the offensive type of magic. It provides a fireball, magic missile and a frost spell.
    • We also have runic magic which seems to be the defensive type, like levitation, transformation, buffs, etc.
    1. literally we can only use fireball, magic missile and ice block, so, only three (not three kinds of) offensive spells through the whole game? even if the fireball gets bigger as we advance in magic skill, it's still somewhat bald ...

    2. is there no summon spell in Risen?

    3. if two-handed weapon can be held with one hand, then it will be unfair for those who choose one-handed weapons. will there be some adjustment for balancing (i'm not asking details)?
    iab ist offline Geändert von iab (22.06.2009 um 09:38 Uhr)

  11. #331

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    Zitat Zitat von iab Beitrag anzeigen
    2. is there no summon spell in Risen?
    There is. At least one is mentioned in the GameStar preview. It allows you to summon
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)


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  12. #332
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    Zitat Zitat von Maladiq Beitrag anzeigen
    Exactly: the video from the GC with the huge armor and the huge sword weild with one hande was idiotic. Very dumb idea.
    Just to clarify, those vids with the huge armour were wrong ratio, they said.
    Meaning armors were stretched out, so in reality they were much more slim.
    Look at their screenshots, no oversized armors there atleast: http://risen.deepsilver.com/blog/pages/en/downloads/screenshots.php
    RobinHood 13. ist offline Geändert von RobinHood 13. (21.06.2009 um 11:43 Uhr)

  13. #333
    Waldläufer Avatar von iab
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    you won't believe it
    Zitat Zitat von foobar Beitrag anzeigen
    There is. At least one is mentioned in the GameStar preview. It allows you to summon
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)

    it's good to know this, thank you foobar.
    iab ist offline

  14. #334
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Zitat Zitat von RobinHood 13. Beitrag anzeigen
    Just to clarify, those vids with the huge armour were wrong ratio, they said.
    Meaning armors were stretched out, so in reality they were much more slim.
    Look at their screenshots, no oversized armors there atleast: http://risen.deepsilver.com/blog/pages/en/downloads/screenshots.php
    The main point of my post was the long sword wielded with only one hand. That was the idiotic part. 'Cause the sword can get as slim as it wants, it keeps it length. And a long sword wielded with only one hand is a no-no. Especially if it is THAT long.
    Maladiq ist offline

  15. #335
    Dragonslayer Avatar von Powaz
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    Quy, is the same sword skill governing both one handed and two handed swords?
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  16. #336
    United Moderator  Avatar von sonnedre
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    May 2009
    Hi, Quy. I have a question.

    I have knew from new Risen preview from www.meristation.com that there was spell with that we can summon a damsel. How it work? Is this just fantom who do not attack anybody, or it is aggressive creature?

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  17. #337
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    Jun 2007
    Hello everyone,

    I hope you liked the first screenshot of the screenshot friday.

    Zitat Zitat von Ammoc Beitrag anzeigen

    I am also very interested in combat, and defending.
    So my questions are:
    1. Is combat gonna be more like g1/2ish (keyboard combos) or g3ish, click and hit?
    2. Parrying, defending. Do u take dmg on parry? or does it matter if u wear a shield or a sword.

    That's all. thanks
    1. If I have to compare, I would say it is more like a mix of both them. Roughly speaking: hiting, defending and countering with the mouse and side strokes movement and dodging with the keyboard.
    2. No you don't take damage on parry. But it is not possible to parry every hit (for example the big hits from an ogre or an ashbeast).

    Zitat Zitat von RobinHood 13. Beitrag anzeigen
    Will monsters run at different speeds?
    Some run faster than you, some slower etc.
    Does wolves run faster?
    (I really hope so)

    Creatures run approximately as fast as the hero.

    Regarding the topic 2h - sword in one hand:

    It is not till the 9th skill level possible, so that happens in the end game of Risen (if you want to). I know that it is not realistic and I can understand some of your reactions, but it is a part of our game design and I personal really can live with that.

    Zitat Zitat von Powaz Beitrag anzeigen
    Quy, is the same sword skill governing both one handed and two handed swords?
    Zitat Zitat von iab Beitrag anzeigen
    1. literally we can only use fireball, magic missile and ice block, so, only three (not three kinds of) offensive spells through the whole game? even if the fireball gets bigger as we advance in magic skill, it's still somewhat bald ...

    2. is there no summon spell in Risen?

    3. if two-handed weapon can be held with one hand, then it will be unfair for those who choose one-handed weapons. will there be some adjustment for balancing (i'm not asking details)?
    1. There are more offensive spells. But we do not want to tell every detail of Risen until it is not even published right now. It is a part of the game to discover new spells. For my taste I hope that not many more informations will be revealed.

    2. Thank you foobar for answering this question.

    3. and @Powaz:
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    You do not skill the 1H and 2H - sword combat separately. So it is not unfair. But this does not relates to every two handed weapons. You always use both hands for the staff combat for example.

    Zitat Zitat von SonnedreS Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi, Quy. I have a question.

    I have knew from new Risen preview from www.meristation.com that there was spell with that we can summon a damsel. How it work? Is this just fantom who do not attack anybody, or it is aggressive creature?

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    Yes it is true, we have a nice effect for that and it is not aggressive. But you have to find out more in Risen by yourself.

    See you later,

    Quy ist offline

  18. #338
    Waldläufer Avatar von iab
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    Jun 2008
    you won't believe it
    Zitat Zitat von Quy Beitrag anzeigen
    1. There are more offensive spells. But we do not want to tell every detail of Risen until it is not even published right now. It is a part of the game to discover new spells. For my taste I hope that not many more informations will be revealed.
    now i'm much relieved
    iab ist offline

  19. #339
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    But I hope you don't misunderstand me: 'fireball, magic missile and ice block' are still the main spells, which you can skill.

    Edit: @iab
    Quy ist offline Geändert von Quy (22.06.2009 um 15:35 Uhr)

  20. #340
    Waldläufer Avatar von iab
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    you won't believe it
    ok i get it now.
    iab ist offline

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