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  1. #121
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Any chances to see eastereggs in Risen?

    How often do you check the Arcania forum? (WoG) What do you usually "spy" for in there?
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  2. #122
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    Hello everyone,
    how are you?

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    well, just one simple question.
    Can you tell roughtly when will we see first ingame video? (that isn't shaky cam :P). I can't wait to see Risen in motion!
    It won't take long.

    Zitat Zitat von Powaz Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi, Quy,
    Does the setting of Risen have any steam-punk elements, I mean there might be no in the game, but in the overall universe of Risen?
    Good question. In Risen there are no steam punk elements. But I like the image of these elements in the universe of Risen.

    Zitat Zitat von Kronner Beitrag anzeigen
    3) Is there going to be a level cap?
    4) Are there going to be some unique weapons which can be obtained only by doing some quest or something like that?
    3) As far as I know: no there isn't a level cap.
    4) Yes there are. But I don't want to reveal too much!

    Zitat Zitat von iab Beitrag anzeigen
    ok the first question is removed, hope this one can get answered.

    can players use only keyboard to play, and freely config the keys?
    In theory it is possible to play only with the keyboard. But I think it is much easier to play additional with the mouse. Yes you can freely config the keys.

    Zitat Zitat von KillerB Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi Quy

    I only have 2 questions. The first was probably asked and answeared but since both are related I hope I'm safe to ask it anyway.

    So here goes:

    1. Will there be skills like Alchemy, Smithing and so on?

    2. If so, will your skill points have a greater impact on what you do, instead of just allowing you to learn a skill?

    By this I mean, for example, that at Smithing Skill 30 I can produce a Sword that does 50 DMG, but if I raise my skill to 40, I would be able to produce the same Sword with a 55 DMG. The same goes with Alchemy, the higher the skill points the more powerfull the potion. This would give a new purpose to raise your skills. At least I think so

    Thanks and Cheers.
    Yes of course we have skills like smithing and so on. But we are right in the middle of the balancing, and the effect of the several skill points are not final yet.

    Zitat Zitat von Maladiq Beitrag anzeigen
    Any chances to see eastereggs in Risen?
    You can count on that!
    I really don't know how many eastereggs we have in Risen, I don't think there are a lot of. I know about one, which is hidde very well. So keep your eyes peeled!

    Keep on gaming.

    Quy ist offline

  3. #123
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    Zitat Zitat von Maladiq Beitrag anzeigen
    Any chances to see eastereggs in Risen?
    Zitat Zitat von Quy Beitrag anzeigen
    You can count on that!
    I really don't know how many eastereggs we have in Risen, I don't think there are a lot of. I know about one, which is hidde very well. So keep your eyes peeled!

    Keep on gaming.

    Zitat Zitat von Maladiq (asking EDL in WoG) Beitrag anzeigen
    Do you plan eastereggs in Arcania?

    I bet the answer will be something like: "I don't know, you should keep your eyes peeld"
    I am some sort of answer Guru You are giving me great news, Quy, I love eastereggs.
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  4. #124

    Avatar von Michael Rüve
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    Zitat Zitat von Quy Beitrag anzeigen
    I really don't know how many eastereggs we have in Risen,
    That's the nature of easter eggs. They are not usually designed by comittee and then integrated as a team effort but are individuals' efforts put into the game without telling anybody else.
    Michael Rüve ist offline

  5. #125
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    Zitat Zitat von Quy Beitrag anzeigen
    3) As far as I know: no there isn't a level cap.
    4) Yes there are. But I don't want to reveal too much!
    Thanks, but you did not answer these questions:

    1) Are you guys going to support proper Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering this time?
    2) What about bloom and blur? I hope you exclude these pathetic console effects. Or at least make them optional.
    5) Is there going to be a romance subplot?

    Thanks in advance.
    Kronner ist offline

  6. #126
    Cat  Avatar von Larisa
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    2) What about bloom and blur? I hope you exclude these pathetic console effects.

    And: what about lens flare? I really hope not to see that in Risen.
    Larisa ist offline

  7. #127

    Metasyntaktische Variable
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    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
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    And: what about lens flare? I really hope not to see that in Risen.
    Ah, my favorite topic. Translated from the german Q&A-Threads:

    Zitat Zitat von Ralf Beitrag anzeigen
    The lensflare will definitely be very subtle - and probably can be switched off. I'm also not a fan of it.
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    The lensflare effect also unnerved me - and Andre Thiel ("The Relentless One [tm]") created a wonderful new effect which is very subtle and flows nicely into the surroundings at the contrast borders.
    Both statements are a little out of date. It would be very nice of Quy to tell us the current state of affairs.

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  8. #128
    Knight Avatar von catalinux
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    Have you thought to insert elements from Gothic Universe only as easter eggs?
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  9. #129

    Avatar von Michael Rüve
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    Have you thought to insert elements from Gothic Universe only as easter eggs?
    Not gonna happen.
    Michael Rüve ist offline

  10. #130
    Ehrengarde Avatar von Katsche
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    Zitat Zitat von catalinux Beitrag anzeigen
    Have you thought to insert elements from Gothic Universe only as easter eggs?
    Think of the problems that could cause involving copyrights and all...
    Alles wird gut.
    "Lange Tage und angenehme Nächte!" - Roland von Gilead
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  11. #131
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    How you think, whether it will be possible in Risen to block blows of the opponent we throw?
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  12. #132
    Apprentice Avatar von Moondre
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    Hi, Quy!

    Here some questions to you.

    1) Can we block opponents' blows with our weapons(as in G1-2), or it is impossible?
    2) Using of shields will be as in G3, when they snub part of damage, or they allow us to completely block blows?

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  13. #133
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    Yeh, and I would like that every shield could completely block enemy's blow, but amount of damage that can be taken before shield breaks, and it should be repaired, would be different. Srry if my english is a little bit broken , but I hope you understand what I meant to say
    Comrade 911 ist offline Geändert von Comrade 911 (19.03.2009 um 08:47 Uhr)

  14. #134
    Knight Avatar von TheDoctor
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    Not gonna happen.
    Why not? For example, a cave painting of a scavenger wouldn't be copyright enfringement, would it?
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  15. #135
    Veteran Avatar von Alea
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    Hi everyone, it has been a long time since last time i wrote here, but the suspence was killing me.

    I've read that Ralf has gone, bye Ralf

    And a great welcome to Quy

    I've seen many news but still anything juicy about magic:
    I'm happy that a flying tranformation will again be available (my favourite transport system in G1), and that there will be our friendly fireball as always; but when could we know something (just a little something) about the "new" spells?

    and another thing: probably it has been already answered, but can you tell us what PB is actually working on? Are you testing the game or are you still finishing to put stuff in it?

    Tnx for the great work you are doing
    There where Adanos stood was a place where Innos and Beliar had no power.
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  16. #136
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    hm guys, i was just wandering one thing. I was just playing g3 again, and at some moment, hero was talking to orc, where at the end he tells this orc "You're not the brightest light, are you?", when orc replied "You need torch, Morra?" i rofled so much. I couldn't help my self but that orc's reply was soooo like the gregory house is House M.D. Orc's reply sounded just as sarcasted. :P
    So is there any remote possibility that there would be character in Risen that would have personality a lot like this Gregory House guy, meaning having this strong sarcastic remarks all the time (if you watch it, you know what i mean)? I think that would really be awesome (think of it as replacement for Mud from G1 :P).
    Zocky ist offline

  17. #137
    Deus Avatar von Maladiq
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    @ all the Piranhas: it would be nice to congratulate the CPT for the wonderful job they did on G3, despite the fact it will bring JW more money. Now your creation is finally completed
    For the most recent Elex news, the new Piranha Bytes RPG, visit us at World of Elex!!!
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  18. #138
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    @ all the Piranhas: it would be nice to congratulate the CPT for the wonderful job they did on G3, despite the fact it will bring JW more money. Now your creation is finally completed
    The patch mostly be for fans. People who haven't played the game are little likely to know of a patch making it all so much better.
    Besides its' not necesarilly positive for JW. This will just prove JW released the game to early, and didn't care to support the necesarilly patching on the game. It might give JW a small boost in G3 sales, but also risking giving them a bad name.
    To PB team, (don't know if I've said this before) I think the mistake you did was making the world (grapchics and world modelling) before actually specifically knowing what the story was, what you would need and so on, making the world look a little empty.
    Just like making a world and trying to fit a story in it. Better to make a story and shape the world after that.

    So the question:
    Will any of you in PB try out the new CP 1.70 patch?
    RobinHood 13. ist offline

  19. #139
    Waldläufer Avatar von iab
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    you won't believe it
    hi Quy, hope you enjoyed your latest weekend.

    if we climb on a roof and jump on the head of a NPC, will we see some kind of response?
    like he gets hurt (slightly) and become angery, sorts of.
    since climb returns, such thing is quite possible to happen.
    imagine we do it on purpose:
    we can use it to irritate someone, without actually attacking him, so other NPCs won't draw their weapon and attack the hero, but just stand by and laugh or shout at the hero, perhaps.
    however, if we repeatly use this trick, the other NPCs will also be irritated and begin to attack the hero.
    in a word, corresponding reponses of the target NPC and the other observing NPCs could add lots of atmosphere to the game, i think.

    if such reponses are not implemented in the game, i hope you may forward this post, maybe they can be used in your future games.

    (this post is more of a suggestion than a question)

    thank you.
    iab ist offline Geändert von iab (23.03.2009 um 06:00 Uhr)

  20. #140
    Registriert seit
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    Originally posted by Alea

    ...and that there will be our friendly fireball as always....

    Did we get that information officially...?
    belatio ist offline

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