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  1. #341
    Warrior Avatar von SacredGamer
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    Jun 2009
    My Questions.

    Is October 2nd for all regions or just Germany?
    How Long is the main quest?
    Will the Demo be released on all Platforms?
    How far are you in development?
    SacredGamer ist offline

  2. #342
    Knight Avatar von RobinHood 13.
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    Apr 2008
    Have you focused more on Combat AI, making enemies more unpredictable where they use different tactics where you need different approachs to succed?
    Gothic 3 had a very annoying thing. People backing of when you hit in loose air. 5 metres away, and they would still back off. Most fast click based.
    G2. When orcs and humans stood from a distance, they always attacked you same way. An attack using long time, had short range, very easy to see and extremely easy to counterattack without getting hurt. Standing still, only master in 1h and 2h were really hard to own (not/barely getting hit a single time).
    G3 group fights were a laugh, only 1 attacker at time.
    G2, they swarmed you and attacked really quick, so often necesarry to have an armor that almost blocked all dmg, since there were no really good way to keep enemies at a distance.
    So I want to see enemies less predictable (even easy targets might surprise you, atleast not just the best ones), charge attacks being good (because standing still was always the best plan in G2 when someone came at you ) and ways to fight numerous enemies at once.
    RobinHood 13. ist offline

  3. #343
    United Moderator  Avatar von sonnedre
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    May 2009
    Hi, Quy.

    We know now that we can fight two-handed sword with one hand on 9 level. Here is my question: can we use both two-handed sword and shield at the same time?
    I ask because there is a chance that all who raise the skill to this 9 level, will fight so way - with two-handed sword and shield. And one-handed sword will be useless, for two-handed s. cause much more damage.

    What advantages will have two-handed sword if it is used without shield?

    Tell us, please.

    sonnedre ist offline

  4. #344
    Veteran Avatar von cifre
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    Nov 2006
    As far as I saw on the video, the two handed sword which was used with both hands, is used with shield as well.
    Lo there do I see my father,
    Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers,
    Lo there do I see the line of my people - back to the beginning,
    Lo they do call to me,
    They bid me take my place among them
    In the halls of Valhalla,
    Where the brave may live... forever.
    cifre ist offline

  5. #345
    Waldläufer Avatar von iab
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    Jun 2008
    you won't believe it
    1. in hard mode will the defeating of an enemy give more xp than it does in normal mode? therefore we can reach higer level in hard mode.

    2. it seems that the inquisitor's armor is not as awesome as it was in the first trailer. i even got a feeling that it looks like a woman's dress on the whole, if you understand me.
    now seriously, i hope the inquisitor's armor will be more detailed (wire-frame & texture) and elegant than it was shown in this screenshot. can i lay my hope on this?
    iab ist offline

  6. #346
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2008
    Zitat Zitat von iab Beitrag anzeigen
    1. in hard mode will the defeating of an enemy give more xp than it does in normal mode? therefore we can reach higer level in hard mode.

    2. it seems that the inquisitor's armor is not as awesome as it was in the first trailer. i even got a feeling that it looks like a woman's dress on the whole, if you understand me.
    now seriously, i hope the inquisitor's armor will be more detailed (wire-frame & texture) and elegant than it was shown in this screenshot. can i lay my hope on this?
    I actually like how this armor is looking, i think it's more of a mage's armor and that's why it looks like a dress (in all gothic games the mages look this way, i guess you already know that but just wanted to point it).


    I'm sorry if this question appears as a spoiler but i'll be glad if you can answer with just yes or no:

    Will we fight magic using monsters in risen (The same type of magic the hero uses).
    aqwerty ist offline

  7. #347
    Registriert seit
    Jan 2008
    Oh, next questions.
    1. Is there any chance that 1H swords could hang next to hip like in G1 (But probably it's too late eh)?
    2. Can enemis use counterattack?
    3. If yes, can Animals counterattack too ?
    4. Will there be any dev tools that allow you to change characters models in game? I mean, i just can't stand that small red robe armor (Torso is way too bulky) main hero head, ( it's too small but everyone knows that) hands (way too big) woman hands (just look at neck..). If there be somthing like importer or exporter for max, i would be happy as hell because i know you wan't change that yourself.
    5. Will there be that Paladin armor or somthing from pervious version of Risen? I mean, that armor looked more like a Transformer so i hope not.

    Anyway, PB once more time just showed us they're master of climatic design.
    SoM3 ist offline Geändert von SoM3 (27.06.2009 um 12:48 Uhr)

  8. #348
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2006
    Concerning gaming

    • Will Risen patches be applicable to older version savegames? I am wondering if I we are going to be able to continue the game with new patch changes implemented into game. I know that most of the time the old game gets corrupt & I guess it is extremely hard to change to engine without having to redo the core of savegame files. But I am still wondering...
    Talek ist offline

  9. #349

    Metasyntaktische Variable
    Avatar von foobar
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    Sep 2004
    Direkt hinter dir! Buh!
    Zitat Zitat von SoM3 Beitrag anzeigen
    1. Is there any chance that 1H swords could hang next to hip like in G1 (But probably it's too late eh)?
    This has already been denied. Both 1H and 2H weapons will be mounted on the hero's back.

    2. Can enemis use counterattack?
    I'm not sure if this what you mean but any human opponent can use the same combat moves that the hero can. If he has the skill. There will of course be un- and lowskilled enemies as well.

    3. If yes, can Animals counterattack too ?
    The "counterattack" in RISEN is an attack that breaks through blocks. Since animal attacks cannot be blocked anyway, there is no need for such counterattacks. Animal attacks need to be evaded.

    4. Will there be any dev tools that allow you to change characters models in game?
    Those tools already exist since the developers are using them. If you want to know if such tools might be publically released, then you basically ask for some kind of modkit. The answer there is that no decision has been made and the publisher has a say on that matter, too.

    5. Will there be that Paladin armor or somthing from pervious version of Risen? I mean, that armor looked more like a Transformer so i hope not.
    I cannot give you a definitive answer but I doubt that they would throw away or overhaul any models now. The game is already content complete and in the testing and polishing phase. With that usually comes a feature freeze.

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  10. #350
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    Zitat Zitat von foobar Beitrag anzeigen
    The "counterattack" in RISEN is an attack that breaks through blocks. Since animal attacks cannot be blocked anyway, there is no need for such counterattacks. Animal attacks need to be evaded.
    I mean do monster like Gnomes or Ogres can use counterparade (a move that precedes counterattack).

    And by dev tools, yes, i mean mod kits. (Wrong name,eh)
    SoM3 ist offline

  11. #351

    Avatar von Michael Rüve
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    Nov 2006
    bei Piranha Bytes
    Zitat Zitat von Talek Beitrag anzeigen
    [*]Will Risen patches be applicable to older version savegames?
    The game hasn't even been released and will not be for more than three months, and already we are talking patches again? No comment on this.
    Michael Rüve ist offline

  12. #352
    Veteran Avatar von Alea
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    May 2008
    Hi, till now i'm very happy of what i'm seeing.
    I've come to think only at one thing:
    I 'm concerned, since from what i've seen the gnomes are quite unfriendly, that when we are going to loot them we are going to find the average objects, in variety and quantity, that we used to find in goblins in Gothic. I don't know why i have this feeling, but since these gnomes have a lot of pockets, and from what i have understood they use to collect everything they find, i' d be very disappointed if while playing the game i'm going to find a very poor loot on gnomes (in terms of quantity of course, not of value)

    Thank you in advance for any clarification on this matter
    There where Adanos stood was a place where Innos and Beliar had no power.
    Alea ist offline

  13. #353
    United Moderator  Avatar von sonnedre
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    May 2009
    1) Can we unlock doors like in G1? Or can we break them as in hollywood blockbusters?
    2) Is there a spell that allows to us to unlock, as it was in G3?

    sonnedre ist offline

  14. #354
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    Sep 2006
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    Zitat Zitat von Talek Beitrag anzeigen
    Will Risen patches be applicable to older version savegames?
    The game hasn't even been released and will not be for more than three months, and already we are talking patches again? No comment on this.
    @Talek I am pretty sure it would depend on what kind of problems the patches fix, anyways.

    When you start a new game in Risen, will you first be asked if that is really your intention? I remember there were quite a few times when in Gothic 3 I would accidentally click the New Game button, instead of Load Game, and it was a pain to wait for the game to start anew and then have to load the proper save.
    paulcmnt ist offline

  15. #355
    Adventurer Avatar von ElectricDragon
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    Apr 2009
    What was the game produtcion budget?
    ElectricDragon ist offline

  16. #356
    Knight Avatar von catalinux
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    Jan 2008
    After viewing the recent GameStar videos, I'm confident Risen will be a great game and will sell well. The game will be released in October. Are you planning a holiday for all Piranhas or will you be already working at a new title, maybe Risen 2?
    catalinux ist offline

  17. #357
    Kämpfer Avatar von helimane
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    Oct 2006
    Hi Quy
    Are you and the other PB satisfied with the female models?
    Many people here think, they don't look as good as the male counterparts.
    Maybe your team try to give them a better look if you have the time, especialy the shoulder and neck part.
    Nobody wants to see female bodybuilders in a whorehouse
    helimane ist offline

  18. #358
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    Jun 2007
    Hey you guys,

    it is finally summer in Germany and we are all in a good mood here!

    Zitat Zitat von SacredGamer Beitrag anzeigen
    My Questions.

    Is October 2nd for all regions or just Germany?
    How Long is the main quest?
    Will the Demo be released on all Platforms?
    How far are you in development?
    1 + 3) I am not quite sure, I hope so. Deep Silver and its partners are responsible for that.
    2) It depends on the player, I can't give you a time measurement.
    4) Beta stage

    Zitat Zitat von RobinHood 13. Beitrag anzeigen
    Have you focused more on Combat AI, making enemies more unpredictable where they use different tactics where you need different approachs to succed?
    Gothic 3 had a very annoying thing. People backing of when you hit in loose air. 5 metres away, and they would still back off. Most fast click based.
    G2. When orcs and humans stood from a distance, they always attacked you same way. An attack using long time, had short range, very easy to see and extremely easy to counterattack without getting hurt. Standing still, only master in 1h and 2h were really hard to own (not/barely getting hit a single time).
    G3 group fights were a laugh, only 1 attacker at time.
    G2, they swarmed you and attacked really quick, so often necesarry to have an armor that almost blocked all dmg, since there were no really good way to keep enemies at a distance.
    So I want to see enemies less predictable (even easy targets might surprise you, atleast not just the best ones), charge attacks being good (because standing still was always the best plan in G2 when someone came at you ) and ways to fight numerous enemies at once.
    I don't think that I can give you a real answer. It depends on the player too. I can only give you my personal opinion, but that's not what you want to hear. Just play the demo, when it is released and find out on your own.

    Zitat Zitat von SonnedreS Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi, Quy.

    We know now that we can fight two-handed sword with one hand on 9 level. Here is my question: can we use both two-handed sword and shield at the same time?
    I ask because there is a chance that all who raise the skill to this 9 level, will fight so way - with two-handed sword and shield. And one-handed sword will be useless, for two-handed s. cause much more damage.

    What advantages will have two-handed sword if it is used without shield?

    Tell us, please.

    Yes you can use both at the same time. And there is no advantage to use a two-handed sword without the shield. So if you are achieve skill level 9 in sword - combat, and you have to choose between a one-hand and a two-hand sword, just take the sword with more damage.
    And it is not unfair (read my last post).

    Zitat Zitat von iab Beitrag anzeigen
    1. in hard mode will the defeating of an enemy give more xp than it does in normal mode? therefore we can reach higer level in hard mode.

    2. it seems that the inquisitor's armor is not as awesome as it was in the first trailer. i even got a feeling that it looks like a woman's dress on the whole, if you understand me.
    now seriously, i hope the inquisitor's armor will be more detailed (wire-frame & texture) and elegant than it was shown in this screenshot. can i lay my hope on this?
    1. No the XP - quantity is the same.
    2. You can read aqwerty's optionen, he likes the design. It is sad that you don't like it, but it is always a matter of taste.

    Zitat Zitat von aqwerty Beitrag anzeigen
    I actually like how this armor is looking, i think it's more of a mage's armor and that's why it looks like a dress (in all gothic games the mages look this way, i guess you already know that but just wanted to point it).


    I'm sorry if this question appears as a spoiler but i'll be glad if you can answer with just yes or no:

    Will we fight magic using monsters in risen (The same type of magic the hero uses).
    No the monsters don't use the same type of magic like humans/hero.

    Zitat Zitat von Alea Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi, till now i'm very happy of what i'm seeing.
    I've come to think only at one thing:
    I 'm concerned, since from what i've seen the gnomes are quite unfriendly, that when we are going to loot them we are going to find the average objects, in variety and quantity, that we used to find in goblins in Gothic. I don't know why i have this feeling, but since these gnomes have a lot of pockets, and from what i have understood they use to collect everything they find, i' d be very disappointed if while playing the game i'm going to find a very poor loot on gnomes (in terms of quantity of course, not of value)

    Thank you in advance for any clarification on this matter
    Dont forget, these Gnomes do not only have their own loot. If they are faster than you, they loot other dead enemies in their enviroment too. I can't tell you if you will be disappointed, but I don't hope so.

    Zitat Zitat von SonnedreS Beitrag anzeigen
    1) Can we unlock doors like in G1? Or can we break them as in hollywood blockbusters?
    2) Is there a spell that allows to us to unlock, as it was in G3?

    1)You unlock doors with your lock pick and not like Hollywood action star.
    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    Yes there is.

    Zitat Zitat von diego_pmc Beitrag anzeigen
    @Talek I am pretty sure it would depend on what kind of problems the patches fix, anyways.

    When you start a new game in Risen, will you first be asked if that is really your intention? I remember there were quite a few times when in Gothic 3 I would accidentally click the New Game button, instead of Load Game, and it was a pain to wait for the game to start anew and then have to load the proper save.
    Don't worry the game will ask you for your confirmation this time.

    Zitat Zitat von catalinux Beitrag anzeigen
    After viewing the recent GameStar videos, I'm confident Risen will be a great game and will sell well. The game will be released in October. Are you planning a holiday for all Piranhas or will you be already working at a new title, maybe Risen 2?
    No there won't be an official holiday for all Piranhas. Every single Piranha decides on his own will, when he wants to have his free time.

    Best regards from Essen,

    Quy ist offline

  19. #359
    Ranger Avatar von Dykunas
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    Zitat Zitat von Quy Beitrag anzeigen
    Yes you can use both at the same time. And there is no advantage to use a two-handed sword without the shield. So if you are achieve skill level 9 in sword - combat, and you have to choose between a one-hand and a two-hand sword, just take the sword with more damage.
    But that makes one handed swords and pure two handed weapon fighting obsolete.....

    I'm sorry but this is ilogic! You can wield a two handed sword with the same proficiency, with one hand, as you would with two hands? I understand that this skill is a high level one and is there to make you feel more powerful as a fighter, but the way this was accomplished only leaves you with one viable option when choosing a fighting style. Now i haven't seen this in action (naturally), but it sounds like a very bad decision.

    How about leaving the speed bonus for the pure two handed fighters if you feel so obliged to leaving damage scores the same. As with the one handed + shield option, just leave a little defense bonus, or do one handed swords have any other beneficial features that a two handed weapon lacks?
    Dykunas ist offline

  20. #360
    Schwertmeister Avatar von Quy
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    Zitat Zitat von Dykunas Beitrag anzeigen
    But that makes one handed swords and pure two handed weapon fighting obsolete.....

    I'm sorry but this is ilogic! You can wield a two handed sword with the same proficiency, with one hand, as you would with two hands? I understand that this skill is a high level one and is there to make you feel more powerful as a fighter, but the way this was accomplished only leaves you with one viable option when choosing a fighting style. Now i haven't seen this in action (naturally), but it sounds like a very bad decision.

    How about leaving the speed bonus for the pure two handed fighters if you feel so obliged to leaving damage scores the same. As with the one handed + shield option, just leave a little defense bonus, or do one handed swords have any other beneficial features that a two handed weapon lacks?

    Spoiler:(zum lesen bitte Text markieren)
    In this post http://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum...&postcount=337 I already wrote that: You do not skill the 1H and 2H - sword combat separately (look at our character screen).
    In my opinion this information should be enough to understand, that it is a logical step to change your swordsize from 1h to 2H in the endgame.

    I didn't want to explain our whole combat system in detail, because I didn't want to spoiler everything fun, you actually want to discover by yourselfs.

    There has to be some secrets left, when you play the game.

    I hope you understand me.
    Quy ist offline

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